HR Magic
Question cards that will help you find the best candidate for your company
Before employment, it is important to establish the candidate’s actual characteristics and how useful he or she can be to the company.

Our question cards will help you do this quickly, efficiently and in the form of a game.
A useful tool for all those who conduct interviews:
  • Leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Directors
  • Administrators
  • HR managers
  • Recruiters
Creator of the methodology - Head of HR with 16 years of experience
We introduced elements of the transformation games in the process of recruitment
Which means that the candidate will not answer with “correctly”, but will transmit his or her true beliefs, purposes and reasons
for each vacancy
for different needs
Exact questions
about the interview structure
Video instructions
3 levels of sets
This is a tool that solves TOP-5 problems with interviews
85% of contractors and leaders do not know WHAT questions to ask when choosing the RIGHT candidate
❌ Little experience in assessing candidates' professional and personal qualities lead to low interview efficiency.
❌ General questions extend the selection process and lead to errors.
Wrong questions - wrong answers
✅ With the help of cards, you will ask the right questions and get valuable answers that will save your time and money.
The interviewer's uncertainty
❌ Developing an incompetent employee requires an investment in time and money, slowing down all business processes.
✅ Cards will give you self-confidence, even if you conduct an interview for the first time and they will help you select the best candidates without stress.
Loss of time and resources due to low-level candidates
✅ The cards will help you find the right candidate, who will bring profit to the company, not trouble.
❌ Candidates know how to write an impeccable CV, but behind it there are not always real hard and soft skills.
Embellished CV
✅ The questions on your cards will help you see the candidate's key professional qualities, ability to solve problems, find solutions, etc.
❌ Stupid interview questions and an interrogative atmosphere create a negative image of the company as an employer in the market.
Poor company image
✅ With the help of the cards, the interview will not only be effective, but also easy and interesting for both parties.
We have created cards for interviews, which solve most of the issues of employers and recruiters
Thanks to HR Magic, you will conduct quick and clear interviews, without wasting time with general questions and empty answers
Cards can be used an infinite number of times:
You determine the qualities of the ideal candidate
You get questions that will help you find such a candidate
You conduct interviews and find the right person in a short time
  • Conducted 20,000 interviews

  • HR Adviser for experts and companies

  • Business Coach for scaling

  • 16 years of HR management experience

  • 8 years HR in IT

  • 7 years in non-IT (consultancy, production, distribution, services, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals)

  • Co-owner of the Household Staff Recruitment Agency

  • Author of trainings for managers: Basics of Psychology in staff management; Interview Art; Potential Academy; Million-dollar candidate

  • Authorized psychologist and economist

  • I reduce staff fluctuations 10 times and increase motivation through competent HR processes
The author of the questions - Elena Butuc
3 types of questions:
Questions about the fundamental skills and personality traits that play a key role in successful professional activities.

We have compiled questions on 11 personality traits that 99% of employers are looking for in future employees.
Soft skills
Questions to help assess the skills and attributes needed to effectively manage teams, projects, and organizational resources.

We have compiled questions on 11 basic management competencies.
Management skills
Common questions that start and end any interview: questions about the candidate's motivation, needs, values ​​and expectations of the candidate.
General questions
The questions in the cards are in different languages of your choice:
One additional advantage is - you will improve your language business knowledge in practice!
Simple and Interactive interview
Modern people appreciate interactivity and simplicity in everything.

We have now implemented this in the business processes.
HR Magic turns routine interviews into a transformation game with elements of business psychology. Our cards and video instructions will help you easily find the ideal candidate!
Each kit consists of:
“How to conduct an interview using the cards?”
Video instruction
in which you will find an interpretation of each competence that will help you conduct an efficient interview for any position
screening checklist:
how to evaluate the candidates' CVs to choose whom to invite to the next selection stage.
Get the HR Magic
Order a kit of cards:
kit and find the diamond for your company or business!
100+ correct questions included that can be asked during different interviews

HR Magic - Cards that will help you find the best candidate for your company
95 55 EUR
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